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WARNING!!! Terror Cell - Bioweapon Activation Day Is Coming!!!










Update Report Videos  Terral's Substack Publication (Sign Up Below) is dedicated to identifying and sharing the truth about the Holy Scriptures, and Project Black Star to benefit others. The Rothschild-controlled Elite has launched their PlanDemic by releasing the SARS-CoV-2 Binary Biological Weapon using US Army athletes at the Military Olympics held in China in October 2019. George Webb (interview) reveals that the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon (using SPARS 2025 playbook) and Nano Silver-based Vaccine were created at Fort Detrick, MD years ago. Terror Cell - Binary Bioweapon Activation Day (post) can happen at any moment! Follow the breadcrumb trail to many links leading to the truth by starting with this post (here). Find the truth about the drone-orb sightings here and prepare while there is still time!


Everyone is Transfected with Sophisticated SARS-VAX "Binary" Vax Components (post). Transform the bioweapon components into becoming a secondary-protective immune system (post). Eliminate the nanotech from your body (post) and purify your blood (post).


Terral recommends using Nano Silver to boost the immune system allowing the body to fight off the bioweapon using the natural antiviral properties that silver has on fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Watch the Webinar presentation below:​














Watch Nano Silver Webinar Presentation 










Nano Silver: Nature's Answer to Microbial Threats


















Tina at Interviews Terral SARS-VAX Bioweapon, HAARP-AI-Nanobots: Full 2+Hr Version or 1-Hr TV


NASA Future Strategic Issues/Warfare 2025: Are You Ready for Terror Cell - SARS/VAX "Binary" Bioweapon Activation Day?













How To Buy-Mix-Use-Store Video -- How To Substack Article


Current predictive modeling points to a Black Star-Earth crossing event on June 07, 2027 (post and post). We have determined Black Star orbit path and know the 'event' will take place in early June, but slowing inbound-orbital velocity makes determining the year difficult. The fact that the Elite have released their biological weapon, for command-control of the population, also points to a 2025 event. The Black Star-Earth crossing event triggers a magnetically-induced geological pole shift projected to wipe out 90+ percent of the global population (Operations Section: Dakota Report here, 


The Deep Magma-plume Formation (article and image) that was a Pacific Ocean-Ring of Fire phenomenon has made mantle plume-hotspot (wiki) connections around the world and is now growing out of control within earth mantle transition zone (wiki). The magnetic North Pole has migrated into the Eastern Hemisphere (article) because the Deep Magma-plume Formation now has buoyancy-barrier corridors extending like giant octopus arms into the Atlantic Ocean where the convergence region is between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Europe. The plume formation is filled with magnetite and displacing the glassy/silica-type magma out of the transition zone causing earth diameter to enlarge that is separating the tectonic plates. The scenario is causing high-magnitude earthquake events to disappear (only twenty-three 7's in 845 days at this writing) and the low-magnitude quake numbers are now dropping too. At some point, the Superplume buoyancy barriers break leading to a series of catastrophic terraform-related events that transform our planet into this (USA) and this (World).  


Subscribe to the Black Star Newsletter Program ($25 per year) to receive the Newsletter Subscriber Notification Email providing full access to all 2025 Newsletters (52 issues), using the Dropbox Folder Links, with instructions allowing you to get the most from your subscription. Those wanting more can subscribe to the Newsletter-Survival Group Program ($50 per year) to receive Threat Assessment-Survival Group Information for being connected to like-minded survivalists already in the Survival Group Program. Newsletter subscribers can upgrade their 25-dollar Newsletter subscriptions to receive full Survival Group benefits, using the $25 Upgrade Option, to begin devising the very best survival strategy possible.


Final newsletter issues are uploaded to the Dropbox folder each Thursday evening, including links to the video update reports and radio interviews. Donations to support the research are greatly appreciated. Those seeking alternative payment options can write Terral using the contact information at the bottom of the page.


Subscribe to the Newsletter-Survival Group Programs today and get The Mystery Explained eBook for free.


Terral's book, The Mystery Explained, is available for purchase. (Read Press Barnes&Nobel Video Image 05.30.2020.png
Website How To Image 01.07.2020.png
Black Star Event Timeline 12.08.2024.png
Miles Program.
(You Receive a Discount.)

Terral Recommends: One Ounce Silver Buffalo Rounds.
Ask Justin for an Updated Price List
Cell Phone: 952-213-8930 
Miles Franklin Fax: 1-952-476-7971
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Terral Croft Sent You. 
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Subscribe, Donate, or Purchase Nano Silver  and Receive the eBook Version of The Mystery Explained for Free.

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Podcast Interviews
T​radCatKnight    02.05.2025
Dr. Jason Dean  06.03.2024
Dr. Jason Dean  05.13.2024
Dr. Jason Dean  04.29.2024
Dr. Jason Dean  04.15.2024
Dr. Jason Dean  04.01.2024 on 911
Josh Monday  03.30.2024 on 911
Dr. Jason Dean  03.18.2024 on 911
Cliff Steven  02.29.2024
Josh Monday  02.29.2024
Dr. Jason Dean  02.26.2024
Josh Monday
Dr. Jason Dean 02.12.2024
Dr. Jason Dean 02.01.2024

Josh Monday 01.06.2024
CCMom.Tina   07.23.2023

​Crystal Power 11.29.2019 << Video
Jeff Daugherty 08.27.2019 Video
Dana Ashlie 07.12.2019
 End of Days Radio 03.30.2017
Coast To Coast 03.05.2017
Terral's Free
2025 Black Star 
Newsletter Volume 03
Terral's 2020 Mystery Report Newsletter Volume 01
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